Ninjago Fanon Wiki

“You're a real bummer, you know that right?”

— Most people he meets

Genesis "G" Frost is the Master of Creation and leader of Team Phantom on Ogaji Prime.

He used to be a part of a team of Elemental Masters, until he was corrupted by evil and went under the alias Genesis, Deity of Existence. After being defeated and subsequently redeemed following the events of Season 7: Doomsday, he had his powers taken away as punishment before earning them back soon after.

Months later, after finding out the Dark Lord Serces had killed his closest friends, he had an outburst of power, which caused the destruction of 1/4 of Ogaji which killed hundreds of people. After that point he retired from being a ninja and tried to escape that life forever.

35 years after his retirement, G and his best friend Tom became teachers for the new group of Elemental Masters, and G learned to love being a Ninja again. After a year of being their teacher, G sacrificed himself to save Ogaji from his evil doppelgänger from an alternate timeline.

His soul would be ripped from the Departed Realm several thousand years later by the Oni in order to serve a higher purpose. The Oni controlled his every action until he would regain control of his body, then join the other Conscious-People to destroy the High Order and return Balance to Ogaji once and for all.

When fused together with his siblings Zack and Lavender, the three of them form the Ultimate Elemental Master, Destiny.

This character is but one of the many characters who live in Ogaji, a parallel realm to Ninjago. To learn more about Ogaji and it's people, visit the following Wikia



G is a nindroid built by Zorcob Frost sometime after the Extinction of the Elemental Masters as a final resort to killing the Dark Lord, Bamos, when all hope was lost. He was gifted the element of Creation by the Goddess Earthra some time later.

Zorcob mysteriously died before G could be finished, and he was released from the lab he was made, and sent out into the world to find his own true potential.

G found his true potential soon after leaving the lab, and found that he could create any physical object he wanted, with the exception of any objects with magic properties.

Milo's Adventures

Season 3: The Soldier of Light

G- Classic

G in The Light Knight

After discovering his true potential, G spent the next few years fooling around and messing about, and learning what he can and cannot do with his powers. When he heard about Team Waters and the Ninja trying to vanquish Bamos, he saw that as a perfect opportunity to show off his cool ability.

He was accepted into Team Waters during the Goblin crisis with Nuero, and played a key role in finally taking him down. He stayed with the Ninja for another few months and helped them defeat the evil ghost king, Phanto.

After defeating Neuro and Phanto, he realized that he got really bored when he played along with others. He later quit Team Waters.

Season 4: Chronicles of G

Almost immediately following his departure from Team Waters, G got a call from another former Ninja, Llide, Phanto's brother. Llide informed G that a villain they helped defeat had broken out of his prison in the Ghost World, and G was the only one he could call to help him, since the rest of Team Waters was busy dealing with the return of the Shape-Shifter.

G arrived in the Ghost World and joined Llide in locating the escapee (which turned out to be the evil Phanto.)

They found out that he had returned to Ogaji with the help of another escaped prisoner, Chainz. G and Llide took base in Ogaji, and finally tracked them down. G found them moving by flying ship, and G stowaway'd.

On the ship, he found out that Phanto's plan was to mimic that of Morro from Ninjago's, and was going to learn the ancient martial art of Airjitzu, and destroy Team Waters for ruining his original plan.

G then killed Chainz, and took his ghost helmet and put it on. This turned G into a ghost, and when he took it off, it turned him back. So, as a ghost, G pretended to be Chainz and gained Phanto's trust.

Some time later, when he was about to steal the scroll of Airjitzu, G took it and revealed he was an imposter all along. G learned Airjitzu and took Phanto prisoner once again. He returned back to his base to teach Llide Airjitzu, and also fuse the ghost helmet into his ninja suit so he can transform between ghost and nindroid at will.

Some time after Phanto is jailed, G returns to the Ghost World to check up on him. Phanto tricks G, and he accidentally let's him go, and he is forced to chase him back to Ogaji. G chases him to his base and pins him against the two ghost ninja. There came a point where the non-stop power that Phanto possessed was too much for G and Llide to handle, so they went in search of the Staff of Wishes, a mystical item created long ago that is said to grant the wish of anyone who is to wield it. Phanto had used this staff before when he quarreled with the Ninja, and G saw it fitting to use it to bring him to his demise.

G and Llide retrieved the Staff of Wishes, and wished for Phanto’s power to be matched. . . the wish was interpreted by the staff slightly different than they had hoped, and Phanto was split in two.

Now there were two of him, one of the two was exactly like the original, but the second one was good. The half that remained good's name was Morro, and he was a cursed Elemental Master in his life, but now he was a ghost with no powers (like Llide.)

Morro joined G and Llide in their fight against Phanto, and defeated him by throwing him into the pits of Jiho Valley.

After the defeat of the evil ghost prince, Morro, G, and Llide came together as a team to protect the Ghost World and Ogaji from future threats below the Hero of Light, forming Team Phantom.

Unfortunately, Team Phantom's struggles did not come to an end there, because unbeknownst to the Ghost Ninja, when the dropped Phanto into Jiho Valley, his spirit landed on an old forgotten war mech and he possessed it. Some time later, a man who calls himself "the Mechanic" finds Phanto's Mech and takes it into his workshop. He soon finds out that the ghost of Phanto has possessed it, and teams up with him to get revenge on G, and for the Mechanic to get revenge on other scientists who rejected his work. They made a plan to create two massive mechs to use to wreck havoc on their enemies. They created the two mechs, but were stopped by Team Phantom, and Phanto was destroyed forever...

Season 5: Last Light

G and the rest of Team Phantom (who now includes Junior, as he split from his ghost counterpart Llide) kept to themselves during most of the events of Last Light until Master Chang opened his island to tourists. The ghost Ninja visited the island, and after some poking around, found out that Chang was planning on stealing Elemental Powers. G and the others reported this to the Ninja, and sent them to the island to stop him.

G- Hands of Time

G during Last Light

From then on, it became harder for G and his team to ignore what was going on. With the new Ninja failing hard at defeating Serces, it became apparent that they needed his assistance. So, G and Morro attempted to follow Serces and his army to learn their secrets. They were caught immediately, much to Serces' delight, and threatened G that if he didn't join him and supply him with whatever armor or weapons he wanted, he would kill his best friend, Morro.

G refused to help him, and Morro was killed. That moment marked G's eventual transition to evil. He later was forced to work for Serces against his will, and tried to find any moment to break out.

There came a point when Serces was distracted fighting his father when G grabbed his Sword of Darkness to kill him, but the power inside the blade was too much for G to handle, and it filled the empty space In his AI and he became infested with dark magic. He used the sword to kill Serces, then Bamos, and finally the remaining Ninja. He then claimed himself Genesis, Deity of Existence. The greatest evil the realm would ever see.

Season 6: Children of Creation

During this chapter, Genesis retreated from Ogaji and formed an army of Ninja that very closely resembled those from Ninjago.

It is revealed later that he cursed the Ninja of Earth-3738 and turned them into his army to combat his siblings, Zach and Lavender.

Eventually he would get caught in one last battle with his siblings, and his army is destroyed. Zack and Lavender fuse and become the being known as Hope, but Genesis kills them as well. . .

Between Chapters

Between the two chapters Genesis seeks out the remaining Elemental Masters and kills them all, unknowingly causing the final battle to draw closer.

Season 7: Doomsday

After months of preparing, the final fight has arrived.

Genesis attacks the Sacred Realm with a new army of villains- all of which the Elemental Masters have fought before. He killed the three golden goddesses in the process.

Genesis Deity of Existence

G after corruption

From there, the battle moved into Ogaji. Every hero was faced with a villain from their past. One by one, heroes and villains fell.

Those lost in the battle included Junior, Julian, Chrome, and Mason.

There came a point where it was inevitable that the Heroes would loose, and they came together to form a plan. Tom (who used to go by Morro) remembered that G’s plan was to steal the Element of Light so he could combine it with his powers and become a human, where his powers would have no limit. They realized that if he were to become human, then he would also be subject to the disadvantages of being a human (those being, having to keep up with your body and getting tired.) They came to the conclusion that the only way to defeat him would be to let him win. And they had to make a sacrifice. One of the three Masters of Light had to give themselves up to Genesis. Nobody wanted to do it - Milo was the first to volunteer, but he was their leader and without him they were lost. Timothy and Kaitlin couldn’t do it because they would be losing one or the other.

When it came down to it, Genesis was going to kill Kaitlin, and Timothy knew the only way to save his daughter was to go through with the plan. . .

Timothy allowed himself to be killed by Genesis, and have his power be stripped of him. His teammates watched in horror as a fully all-powerful monster that was Genesis crushed his skull and looked at them in malice. The others knew that it was time. Together, they all used their powers and concentrated them towards Hope, so that they could use their Staff of Time to lower G’s age and strip all the dark magic from him.

They did this, and finally defeated Genesis… The powers of Darkness, Shadows, Golden Power, and Creation left his body, and G fell.

G was now human, and fully good again, but his powers were taken from him as punishment.

It was time now to realize that Doomsday had ended, and the heroes won.

The Elemental Masters went their separate ways, and G rejoined Tom as the last ninja.

Closing the Circles

Season 8: His Return

G- Sons of Garmadon

G in Closing the Circles with his design change after becoming human.

Soon after the end of Doomsday, the remaining ninja came together on the Day of the Departed to mourn the lost Elemental Masters. Meanwhile, Bamos’ Watchers (a group of people Bamos assembled together during The Light Knight) were watching G. It turns out that they are planning on resurrecting Bamos and they are going to use G as a sacrifice.

The Watchers try to kidnap G, but he escapes and gets the help of the rest of the remaining Elemental Masters to take them down. They kill Bamos for good and help the leaders of the Watchers return to the good side.

Soon after, Lord Garmadon makes his return, but his plans are thwarted quickly.

Season 12: Of Rotten Heritage

A few months later, Tom finds a staff that belonged to the ancient Half-Oni, and discovered that his father was one. Tom is consumed by his selfish desire to meet his father and joins the Half-Oni. After being imprisoned underground in the Canyon of Demise for so long, the Oni were intent on getting their revenge on the people of Ogaji. First, they must resurrect their queen, and to do so they must collect the four Staffs of Being.


Tom and the Half-Oni

G is in distress, unclear as to why his best friend has suddenly left him, so he seeks out an old friend to help him stop this ancient race of demons. He finds his old friend Sammy Strumar and the two team up. While taking base in Sammy's island house, G is visited by a man in golden armor. The man reveals himself to be Gordon Gold, the brother of Darius and the First Spinjitzu Master.

He tells G that the only way to harm the Half-Oni is with the Golden Armor, otherwise, they are too powerful for a mortal to fight. G, Gordon, and Sammy seek out the armor, meanwhile, Tom and the Half-Oni are collecting the four staffs.

When the armor and the staffs have been retrieved, Gordon passes on its power to G and Sammy, allowing them to harm the Oni. They make their way to Mount Hera to stop the resurrection of the Oni Queen, but they are too late. G and Tom have a battle of brothers, but Tom is still intent on siding with his ancient brethren.

The Lost Queen commands her army to seek out the Dragons of Life, and use their Elemental Essences to return to Homeworld (the First Realm.)

Gordon, G, Sammy, and Luke Cunningham (a member of Bamos' Watchers who turned to the good side,) assemble as the team called the Dragon Keepers, and attempts to stop them, but to no avail. The Lost Queen leads her army into the First Realm, and the Dragon Keepers are forced to follow her.

In the Realm of Oni and Dragons, it is revealed by Gordon that he is the current Master of Creation, the final element coveted by the Lost Queen. Her plan is to use Tom's power of Destruction to destroy the First Realm and end the eternal war between Oni and Dragon, and then use Creation to create a new realm just for them.

Gordon sacrifices himself to stop the Queen from taking his power, but she does so anyway.

In one final attempt to win over Tom, G apologizes for the way he's been lately. Friends come first, and he should have known that. Tom suddenly snaps out of it, and together, he and G destroy the Lost Queen.

With the army of Half-Oni defeated, Gordon's spirit appears in front of G and gifts him the Element of Creation. He expresses that he has grown, and will be allowed to have it back. He is now, however, limited to only creating non-magical items, for the safety of the people, and himself.

The Dragon Keepers, now including Tom, head home, stranding the Half-Oni in the First Realm. G makes a base designed after the Oni's Den, and they move in there.

Season 13: Guardians of Existence

One day, months after the defeat of the Lost Queen and her army, G gets an invitation via an interdimensional portal inviting him to a tournament. The tournament was said to be only for fun, and they would love if he could attend--alone. G is auspicious of the invite and enters through a portal without the rest of the team knowing.

He arrives at the site of the tournament, which is on an abandoned realm in the Ethereal Divide. There he meets several other Elemental Masters (and non-masters,) who have also agreed to join. He finds out later that these characters were from several other realms and timelines, meaning whoever put them together went through great lengths. G meets the head of the tournament, Gabe, and he is shown the bracket.

G VS Alice

G Vs. Alice (designed by @colbymockingjay1)

G was pit up against a girl named Alice with the Element of Golden Power. She came from a timeline of Ninjago where she inherited her power after the Overlord was destroyed by Zane in 2014. Their fight was to be the very first.

G defeated Alice by a landslide, moving him on to the next round.

G had some downtime before his next round and found that he would be put up against a young woman with the power of Decipher named Rune. She was from a timeline of Ninjago similar to Earth-81.

During his time off, he met two boys, Millennium (Master of Madness,) and Gage, another Master of Golden Power. He became good friends with the two of them during the time in the tournament.

G VS Rune

G VS. Rune (designed by @gdsstudios)

G's next round in the tournament has arrived, and he was a bit worried. Rune was a powerful foe. They fought a hardy battle, but it came down to Rune as the victor, in an even match. G had lost and was to be sent home, like the other losers. G refused to go home, interested in the sport, and supportive of his new friends.

G remained as a spectator until the final round. The winner achieved victory, and Gabe congratulated him while the loser went home. G went to congratulate the winner as well but stopped when he overheard them talking. He found out that the two were actually members of an elite group called the Guardians of Existence, and they have taken the losers of the tournament as prisoner so they can steal their Elemental Power. Realizing that means that his two new friends have been taken too, G engages in battle with the two deities and ends up destroying them both...

When he arrived at their base, he found that Jay has returned home from Ninjago Earth-17, and came back telling the others that there are these masters going around calling themselves Guardians of Existence, and they kidnapped his friends.

G having had the same experience, they tracked them down. They found out that the Guardians were lead by Clouse, who was now the King of the Underworld. G and the others found out that the Guardians kidnapped the Elemental Masters in order to somehow break Clouse out from the Underworld. The rest of the Guardians, as well as Clouse, were killed, and G and Jay's friends were rescued.

Millennium thanked G and told him that next year they might host another tournament (with a less sinister plot behind it!)

Season 14: Mirror Me Part 1

Not too long after returning home, with Zane, Jay, and Kaitlin having joined the team, the Dragon Keepers suddenly got a staticky message asking for help. G, Sammy, Luke, and Tom recognized the voice... Gordon Gold. He was alive. Somehow he must have gone into hiding after apparently faking his own death.

The Keepers arrive at the First Realm to find Gordon being pursued by Lord Dimmick and a man in a black helmet. Lord Dimmick had teamed up with Mr. E from the Watchers, and found themselves stranded in the First Realm. The only way to return home would be for Mr. E to regain his strength, by stealing Gordon's Golden Power.


Serces' malfunctioned cloak

It came down to a final confrontation, and the Ninja concentrated their power at Mr. E, hoping to kill him. In reality, all they did was reveal his true form. He was Serces, the Sorcerer of Shadows, who apparently survived being possessed by G during Doomsday. Mr. E reveals that he has taken control of G's Nindroid body after he abandoned it. He has also been watching him from the very

beginning. He was a part of the Watchers of Bamos, and then the Half-Oni... Finding out G's strengths and weaknesses until he could finally destroy him forever.

Serces kills Dimmick, pointing out that he only needed Garmadon's Oni blood to cross over into the First Realm, and gets ready to kill the Dragon Keepers. The Ninja are quick thinking and knock out Serces for a while. They end up disrupting his cloak device, and he is stuck in the body of Eracna, the Half-Oni.

The Ninja and Gordon retreat back home, stranding Serces in the First Realm, leaving him to writhe in anger and desperation for their blood...

Season 15: Mirror Me Part 2


Serces possessing G's nindroid body

Serces' plans for the Dragon Keepers was not yet over. He sought out the help of an ancient demon spirit to aid him in his quest to destroy G. He used the demon's powers to return to his usual form (see right,) and realized that he could become all-powerful by not only looking like G- but taking his power. Unfortunately, taking away the most powerful element there is ould be impossible for Serces in the state he is in.

He and the demon (Majora) create the ultimate device: the Gauntlet of Creation, to do their bidding. With it, they will be able to duplicate G's power and the two would become evenly matched. The only way to power it however, is to steal the Elemental Essences from the masters of the Elements of Creation, being Lightning, Ice, Fire, and Earth.

In retaliation, G created the Gauntlet of Destruction to steal the Elements of Destruction to become the same amount as powerful and destroy the other gauntlet.

Serces ended up killing Jay, Zane, Sammy, and the new master of fire, and G got most of the Elements of Destruction before both gauntlets were destroyed when they clashed.

G's team had been depleted, and deep inside he hoped that his friends would return to him after Serces and the gauntlet were destroyed, but that was not the case... His friends were gone forever.

With that realization, G became angry. He was so angry that he created a massive object, bigger than half the moon, and smashed it onto Serces, killing him and everyone around the area...

Only G, Tom, Kaitlin, and Gordon survived.

They promised that they would rebuild Ogaji no matter what...

Once it was done, G felt a crash of responsibility for what he had done.

Realizing his immense mistake, he retired from being a Ninja and swore off the use of his power unless for dire circumstances. He moved far away from the battle site (which would later become the Edge of the World,) with Tom where he would remain for 35 years.

Second Annual Multiverse Tournament

Months after his retirement, G would be invited to attend the second Multiverse Tournament, which he attended a year ago. It was formerly hosted by someone in an attempt to steal Elemental Power from throughout the Ninjago Multiverse, but it is now being hosted by G's friends he met there, Millennium and Gage.

Due to being retired, G declined the request to enter the Tournament, but his partner Tom had an interest, so he attended to support his friend.


Season 16: The New Elemental Masters

G 35 years later

G 35 years later

After 35 years of retirement, G and Tom return to the Ninja business when Gordon Gold reveals that he needs someone to teach the New Elemental Masters the arts of Spinjitzu and Airjitzu. G agrees to teach the new class of Masters and realizes that when there are people that defend, there are people to defend from.

A group of rogue Elemental Masters that go by the name of The Gifted begin a streak of burglaries across the city before they make their biggest heist yet, and steal the Power Crystal. With that, they show Ogaji that they get what they want when they want it, and they won't be stopped.

New Elemental Masters

G's students (Jordan, Sid, Chad, Nelly, and Trevor. Not shown: Sheila)

G and his newly formed team of Ninja go after the Gifted, to try to halt their attempt to resurrect Serces (who they refer to as "The Ancient One.")

The Gifted are successful in resurrecting him, but it didn't go as they planned. They used the Master of Speed, Raphael, as a host body for the resurrection, and Serces didn't come back as himself.

When Serces was killed, he was thrust backward through dimensions until he remained in the Ethereal Divide, where his power of Shadow lingered. Now Raphael was powered with the Element of Shadow, which he used to kill the other Gifted for causing him pain. He then goes after the New Elemental Masters to prove his might, when Chad, the Master of Amber, absorbs his power and uses it against him, defeating him again, which causes a massive blast of energy to burst from their combining powers which reaches high above the sky.

G and his Team take base in the Ogaji Desert Palace, and train for any future attacks on Ogaji.

Season 17: Scavengers

A week after the defeat of the Ancient One and the Gifted, G and the others feel a disturbance at the Edge of the World. He, Jordan (Masters of Gravity and Sound), and Sid (Master of Nature) go to investigate. They find there two men and a monster. They were the Scavengers, a crew of space thieves that travel the galaxy stealing from planet to planet. G found out that the Master of Ice (Sheiver) from the Gifted had joined them, and they were at the Edge of the World to find a power source for their captain's ship.

The power they found was of the Infinity Crystals. Only two remained after they had been used to resurrect the Ancient One, and those were the Allpower Crystal and the Reality Crystal. One of the Scavengers (Morgum) had held the Reality Crystal in his hand, and its power caused an elemental reaction that brought G and the others to their location.

The Scavengers introduced themselves to G, being Sheiver, Morgum, and a red alien named Kraglin. Sheiver took the Reality Crystal from Morgum and used it to trap G and Jordan in the Ethereal Divide, leaving Sid behind with the Scavengers.

In the Ethereal Divide, G was contemplating what their next move should be and realized their powers were ineffective in this realm. There, they met a boy from the Ogaji Space League with the Elemental Power of Wormhole manipulation. His name was Exio, and he got outsmarted by the Scavengers a few days earlier and ended up getting stuck in one of his own wormholes. He said he has been tracking them for months, and he thought he had them when they crash-landed on Ogaji, but they had more help than before. (That being Sheiver.)

A few hours later a wormhole opened up and the three of them were dragged out. They were brought to the Gifted's old base, an abandoned factory, by the Scavengers. There, they met the terrible Captain Zelok.

The Scavengers

The Scavengers (Kraglin, Zelok, and Morgum)

Zelok demonstrated to the Ninja that his lust for power is unmatched, and he would do anything to get what he wants. He instructs his crew to return to the Edge of the World to search for the remaining Infinity Crystal.

While Zelok's back is turned, G and the others manage to escape as well as steal the Reality Crystal. They soon meet back up with the other Elemental Masters at the Desert Palace and inform them of the danger. They gather around in the main foyer and discuss a plan...

Meanwhile, the Scavengers were unable to find the Allpower Crystal and arrived back at their base to find their prisoners escaped... Knowing the Captain would be angry, they staged a bank robbery in Ogaji City to lure G over to take back the Crystal.

G arrives at the scene with Tom, Nelly (Master of Energy), Sid, and Trevor (Master of Lightning.) They free the prisoners in the bank and fight the Scavengers. Halfway through the fight, Zelok arrives in his ship (via remote piloting) and evens out the battle by shooting at the Ninja. His ship ends up crashing on Sid, leading the Ninja to flee, and dropping the Reality and Power Crystals behind (Tom had previously stolen the Power Crystal.)

The Ninja return to the Palace and make preparations to storm the Scavengers base and defeat them once and for all. Meanwhile, the Scavengers give the two crystals to Zelok, and they go to the Edge of the World and find the Allpower Crystal. With this power, Zelok grows into a monstrous black beast with teeth and fangs as sharp as knives. Sheiver reveals that there is a single Crystal in the desert palace... The Realm Crystal.

The Scavengers attack the Palace, and they kill the Royal Guards. The Ninja attempt to hold them back but they are unable, and Zelok takes the Realm Crystal... He devours it and grows double his size. To test his power he grabs G and attempts to murder him but he is stopped by a blast from behind. He turns to find that Sid survived the crash, and unlocked his Ultimate Potential, and is now the Ultimate Master of Nature. He regroups the Ninja and they take one last stance against Zelok. They fight, and Zelok ends up consuming Exio, taking his power.

Now with his combined abilities, he opens up a portal to the Sacred Realm... He announces that he will enter this realm to take the remaining power he desires... He takes his steps towards the portal as the Ninja try and stop him when all hope seems lost, Sheiver freezes the Ninja in their place with his power.

Zelok turns to see Sheiver with his fists glowing with power. He takes off his mask to reveal his identity... He is a cursed ghost. Sheiver creates an icicle and shoves it through Zelok's heart. He reveals that his plan was for Zelok to open the portal all along, and the only reason he didn't do it himself was that he knew all the power would destroy him.

He walks into the portal... and the doorway closes. The remaining Scavengers flee as the Ninja defrost... and Sheiver takes his first steps into the Sacred Realm.

Season 18: The Deicide

At the Desert Palace, the Ninja were training as usual and doing their busy things when a strange gust of wind appeared from out of nowhere.

The front guards were disarmed by a mysterious ghost-like man, and the Ninja were alerted. The ghost man stormed through the palace, cutting through anyone and everyone that got in his way until he found Sheila (the Master of Metal.) She fought back, but the ghost man took her.

On his way out of the castle, he was caught by G, and let Sheila go. As he did this he disappeared…

The Ninja became frightened by what just happened, and decided to keep Sheila heavily guarded in the throne room in case anything like that was to happen again.

G made note that he appeared to have the element of Wind. The only other person with that element would be his old friend Llide… meaning that he stole his power. G became furious and swore he’d destroy whoever messes with a member of Team Phantom.

Meanwhile, the ghost man visits Gordon Gold at his house.

He attacked him and told him what he had done. He introduced himself as The Deicide, killer of gods, and Gordon was his next target.

They fought for a minute, and Gordon’s house was heavily damaged, but he managed to make it out alive. The Deicide swore he would return for his head, and disappeared once again.

Gordon sent out a distress call to the Ninja, explaining what happened, also confirming that the Deicide killed Llide.

G figures out that he’s probably going after people who are related to those were in Team Waters, and so he sends Chad, Sheila, and Sid to Gordon’s hideout.

They also call Simon (Sid's father) to come and make sure that Sid’s ok.

Simon goes to Gordon’s, and he fights the Deicide. The Deicide reveals that he is Jonah, the head knight that was killed by Belkoff in The Light Knight. He said he is back for revenge because Team Waters took what was his away from him (being the Hero of Life) so he took the powers of the God of Life to be more powerful than Timothy ever was.  

Jonah kills Simon in front of his son, and Sid fights him. Jonah almost kills him but he disappears.

They all realize they have to end this once and for all and go back to the palace. They all take their positions at the castle when he arrives. They all fight, but Sheiver arrives, claiming that Jonah is his enemy as well, and he is there to help, if only for now.

Sheiver encases Jonah and himself in Ice to trap him, and tells G to use fire power to melt him so that he would evaporate. He realizes this will kill him too, but does it anyway.

Sheiver seems to sacrifice himself, but Jonah dies and he doesn’t.

Sheiver takes the Elements of Wind and Life from Jonah and he becomes the new God of Courage.

He tells G that their fight is not over yet, and he will return.

Season 19: No Laughing Matter

Months later, G is woken up in the middle of the night to fighting downstairs. He goes to investigate and finds that all of the Palace's guards, as well as Tom, Nelly, Sid, and Jordan have disappeared.

The remaining Ninja search for them, and find out that the Skulkin King, Laughy has taken them into the Underworld.


Laughy, the King of the Underworld

G and the others fight back against his Skulkin army, all the while running from Laughy himself. They soon find out that his goal is to steal the Dragonbone blade that was given to Chad by Gordon Gold, in order to awaken the Dry Dragon, so he can properly transcend into Ogaji.

The Ninja find a way to the Underworld, and confront him face-to-face. Laughy transforms their friends into Skulkin so they are forced to fight them.

Chad uses the Dragonbone Blade to free them of their curse, but he is killed, causing him to drop the blade. Laughy takes the blade, and mounts the Dry Dragon.

The Ninja, now united, return to Ogaji to find that Laughy and the Dry Dragon are causing havoc in Ogaji City. They finally defeat him by combining all of their Elemental Powers at once, which also breaks the curse on the Dry Dragon. Before Laughy was killed however, he revealed that Chad is still alive... but not in the way they think.

The Ninja return home now, and mourne the loss of Chad. . .

Season 20: Ipseity Crisis

G and the others are grieving Chad's death when they get a call from the Palace of Ogaji. They find out that a new villain has teamed up with Sheiver, and is planning on killing the Emperor and Empress. Half the team goes to investigate, and they return with the news that they think the new villain might be Chad.

The villain, a Skulkin called Cross, demonstrated traits only a student of G would have, being that of possessing the skills of Airjitzu and Spinjitzu, which only G teaches.

They soon find out that Sheiver kidnapped Chad (who he calls "Cross") when he reformed in the Underworld, and made him believe that the Ninja were his enemy. He let him unlock his Elemental Power, and planned on stealing the Golden Light that he possessed.

Cross attacks the Desert Palace and steals the Dragonbone Blade. With it, he somehow mixes up the brains of Sheila, Trevor, and Jordan.

Sheivers plan backfires when they use the Staff of Wishes to fix their brains, and return Chad to normal. Chad seals Sheiver in the Dragonbone Blade, and they assume he is finally defeated.

Meanwhile a man in a silver Ninja gi picks up the Time Temporal and opens a portal...

Season 21: Into the Mult-G-Verse

G and his students were doing their usual training at the Desert Palace when they are suddenly attacked by a man in a silver Ninja gi. They fight him off and come to the conclusion that he is a Master of Creation.

This introduces to G and the others the concept of the Ogaji Multiverse, and that there are other timelines of Ogaji where alternate versions of G exist.

Later that day they are visited by another version of G (who they nickname Jolly due to him being much more happy than Master G.) Jolly warns them that the G they previously encountered, who is called Silver, has made an army of other Gs to make himself king of Ogaji. He explains that on the earth he is from, he is the king, and assumes that he can take over since it is his birth right.



Master G has the idea to combat his army of Anti-Gs with an army of their own, and they do so.

With his army of Gs, they combat the Anti-Gs and eventually get rid of all of them by destroying the Time Temporal they came from.

They assume Silver disappeared with the others, but he turns out to be alive. He returns and attacks, now realizing the only way to get what he wants is to do the job himself.

He attacks the Ogaji Royal Palace, and the Ninja try to stop him, but they are unable. Silver wrecks complete havoc on Ogaji City, and G realizes that he can't kill him, as their power is matched. He comes to the realization that the only way to kill him, is to kill himself. Being the Prime G, every G that belongs to the Ogaji Multiverse would be killed, including Silver

G explains his plan to his students and Tom, and even though they don't want him to go, they realize that it's for the greater good of Ogaji.

Before he leaves, G bestows the title of Ninja to all his students and they say goodbye.

He meets Silver at a village and they fight, while G has the intention of dying. He swirls Silver's sword at himself and is stabbed in the chest.

As G’s life force fades, Silver laments that he is damning Ogaji’s Balance, and he will be killing every other G in the Multiverse, to which G replies, “Except for one” before dying.

Silver fades away, and the destruction he caused does too.

The chapter ends with G waking up in a white room wearing a blank silver gi, his appearance matching that of himself 35 years ago. His brother and sister appear next to him and hold out their hand for him to take; he does so, and they drift off into the Departed Realm. . .

Ogaji Origins

After G sacrificed his life to save Ogaji, it didn't take long until the Balance of Ogaji shifted for the worse, and eventually his students failed their mission of stopping the Oni. The Oni soon took over and plunged Ogaji into darkness after killing the remaining Elemental Masters.

The Oni eventually realized, however, that Ogaji was falling apart. Ogaji can only exist where there is balance, and in a world with no light, Ogaji will start to wither away.

In order to return light to the land, the Oni ripped the souls of heroes from the Departed Realm to use them to pretend that there is still light. One of these souls, was G's.

The High Order of Oni jammed the souls of the awakened heroes into random bodies, and used them like puppets to "act" out heroic events, to trick the Gods into restoring Balance. G would soon regain consciousness, although having forgotten who he was, and would join the other conscious people in saving those who were trapped in the High Order's puppetry.

G (who went under the name Holo before his memories returned to him,) joined a team of conscious-people called the Samurai of Men, and together they defended weaker conscious-people from the High Order.

Season 26: Forbidden Quest

In a far section of the Outside, the Samurai of Men protect the people they have saved from The Show. They take base in the Dragon Castle, weathered by 6,000 years of time passing.

The four samurai, Colin, Ray, Holo, and Mystery, have each taken an oath to defend against the High Order.

Lately, however, it has been difficult, since several High Order drones have been searching for them for the past few months. The newest drone that arrives has a strange new power source, a glowing golden plate that rests on its head. The Samurai of Men disarm the drone, and examine the High Order plate. After finding out that when handled directly it can corrupt the user, they give it to Mystery to disassemble and destroy.

Mystery takes it to his workshop, where he is then taken control of from the High Order. He reassmbles it, and transfers his consciousness into it. It initiates battle with the Samurai of Men, and ends up using the power of the plate to open a portal through space-time. Holo falls, and in the same manner, G falls to the ground in the past.

The following is from the flashback portion of Forbidden Quest that tells the untold story of Team Phantom's discovery of Forbidden Spinjitzu and the High Order.

After having a battle with Phanto, Team Phantom gets an alert that two wolves are terrorizing Ogaji City. After being unable to defeat the wolves, a girl named Akira arrives and defeats them quickly. She proposes that she join their team, considering her strengths and the great wolf threat that has been occurring lately. G is quick to dismiss her, but Tom and Llide argue to her a chance.

G proposes that the two have a battle at their temple base, and if Akira wins she can join them. G uses his power to reveal Akira's true identity-- She is a Kitsune from the Frozen North. Her tribe of people is in charge of protecting their guardian spirits, Okami, or Golden Wolves. The Okami suddenly escaped on her watch, so it has been her quest for some time to return them to their rightful place. Uncaring, G says that she is untrustworthy. The others are not so quick to judge, and allow her onto the team.

The next morning, Akira is nowhere to be found, and G assumes the worst. but she was merely helping Llide with something. They are suddenly attacked by the High Order drone, which calls them "defectors." They quickly defeat it, but it flies off, and G apologizes to Akira for not trusting her.

The team then find parts from the drone back to their super computer, and attempt to access its data. They find code which gives instructions to locate so-called "Samurai of Men," Colin, Ray, and Holo… These are the defectors. They find that they take base in the Dragon Castle, so they make preparations to journey there and seek help, seeing as they are connected to the drone, unknowing that Colin, Ray, and Holo would not be there for thousands of years.

Team Phantom arrives at the castle and find it empty. As they search the grounds, the High Order drone attacks them with the powers of the High Order plate. G and Akira realize that it's the source of its power, and remove it from its head, disabling it. They take it back to their base where they access its direct video memory feed.

They find out that the High Order is a race of superior beings who have plunged Ogaji into darkness about 6,000 years into the future. The High Order realized that the world can not sustain itself without balance, and so they attempted to return the world to normal by setting up pretend heroes to fight villains that protect the "balance." These hero's souls are being gathered from the Departed Realm, and are controlled by the High Order. After seasons and seasons of "The Show," some of the characters regain consciousness and are unable to be controlled when they are no longer at The Stage.

Eventually, the High Order King sends Task (the drone) after several of the defectors, being Colin, Ray, and Holo. The three of them with code in the system the same as Llide, Tom, and G... After several failed attempts, they power up Task with a power forsaken by the past. They power it up with the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu, which they encompass in a plate that rests on Task's head... he is ready.

With the memory being concluded, Team Phantom realizes what this means... and so does Akira. She realizes that must mean there is a Scroll in the present, considering the one they have is from the future. She steals the Scroll from Task, becoming super charged, and then finds the one of the present.

G is disheartened that he could not trust her, and Akira reveals her true motives were to take revenge on the people of Ogaji for killing the Okami.

After using the power of both Scrolls, she transforms everyone in Ogaji into a wolf slave of hers. G is powerless to stop her, until he gets one of the Scrolls for himself. Using the power of Forbidden Spinjitzu, he knocks Akira away after she threatened his friends, and she drops the second Scroll... Angry at her betrayal, he takes in hand the second Scroll and goes berserk, killing Akira and returning Ogaji to normal. Now, however, G has gone mad with power. The pure flow of energy of the Scrolls of Forbidden Spinjitzu, as well as G's instability clash, and he becomes irrational. He plans to go to the Temple of Time to steal the Time Temporal and journey into the future where he will destroy the High Order to stop the purge of Ogaji and slavery of their souls.

Mal-G (Dragon)

Mal-G in the form of a beast. (Based on Gigantamax Charizard from Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield)

Llide and Tom beg him not to, as the power of Creation, both Scrolls, and the Time Temporal could cause a disaster. Their pleas are no use, and G handles the Time Temporal, causing a temporal paradox... G is split in two; revealing the true G, and the unstable power hungry Mal-G. The true G sees reason, and attempts to stop Mal-G, but he does not listen. He assumes the form of a beast, dropping the two scrolls and entering the Ethereal Divide.

The others follow him, and find out that Mal-G's enormous power mixed with the fact that he and true G are not whole is causing the Multiverse to fall apart. The heroes find themselves in several different worlds, where G and Mal face off. The two battle, as G considers his own morality. Knowing that the lives of everyone in the Multiverse being sacrificed cannot benefit saving one world is wrong, he fuses with Mal-G, absorbing his bad side again...

Now that the Multiverse is saved, G asks to promise never to talk about the High Order for another 6,000 years...

6,000 years later...

The Samurai of Men reawaken and regain the memories of the past. After remembering the events during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, they gaze upon what has happened to Ogaji, now plunged into eternal shadow. They realize now that they are together, that they are here now to do what Mal-G promised to do 6,000 years ago… to end the reign of the High Order.

Chapter 28: Sleeping Slaves

G, Llide, and Tom all regain their memories. With their memories returned to them, they too realize that the realm they’re in is in fact Ogaji, and that blast sent Task into the past, where they dealt with it 6,000 years ago.

Suddenly, from above them, they see three others have regained their memories as well-- Gordon Gold, Sammy Strumar, and Kaitin Rogers. All of them have control over their Elemental Power-- except Sammy, because the Element of Earth was destroyed within the Gauntlet of Creation. Realizing that Kaitlin is an Elemental Master of Amber, G realizes that means something must have happened to Chad and his other students.

The six of them realize that the sheer fact that they are alive after 6,000 years means something. If they are alive, so could their students. The heroes suit up, and decide to get to the bottom of the High Order, and find their students.

They have the idea to go to the Temple of Time to potentially meet other people in The Outside, and go there where they meet Zack and Serces. Serces meets G, and G is absolutely pissed to see him again, and have a fight. They end up putting aside their differences, if only for now, until they save Ogaji. Zack fills everyone in on the situation, how Nightmarre has total dominion over the entire Multiverse, Realm, and Dimension. He is all powerful.

The group enters the Temple, where they find the Ivory Blade of Deliverance, one of two. What's it do? They don't know. Suddenly, they are all attacked by Red Riot, who is Lavender taken over by the Oni. They defeat and unmask her, and leave her in the temple dungeons, as she has been mutated beyond help... Now with this out of the way, their next stop is the Desert Palace, to find any hope of G's students being alive.

They find the Desert Palace deserted... but there is someone waiting for them there. They are attacked by All For One, the Oni with the powers of the Gauntlets of Creation and Destruction. G and Serces must put aside their differences for good to stop the evil that the two of them created. At All For One's defeat, the two of them reconcile, and Serces becomes a true hero (now going by Lukas.) Now they have one goal: to find the High Order.

Eventually, G's group and Team Waters finally meet up, and through a couple of set backs, finally reach Nightmarre's chamber. With the Shadow and Ivory Blades of Deliverance, they're ready to destroy Nightmarre, but they are still outmatched. Both blades are shattered, but before Nightmarre can kill the heroes, a portal is opened up, and Warren pushes Nightmarre through...! The rift created by Mal-G in the past lead here... it was destiny.

The rest of the heroes go through the portal and return to the year 2044, at the hour of Doomsday. They fill in the past heroes about what is about to go down, while the future heroes merge with their past selves so as not to cause a paradox.

The Golden Goddesses intervene and reveal that all this time, the Greatest Evil the Realm would ever see was not G, but Nightmarre all along. Everything they've ever done, Genesis' corruption, Bamos' resurrection, the creation of the Edge of the World, and onward has lead to this. When the prophecy was created, this is what it all lead to.

Together, the heroes join forces one last time to destroy Nightmarre, now powered up with Forbidden Spinjitzu. G fuses together with Hope to create the ultimate deity, Destiny, and they finally defeat Nightmarre. His mask shatters, and is revealed to actually be Warren...

The Goddesses intervene again and reveal that the Dark Timeline from which they came is now destroyed. Doomsday is over, and their job is done. With that, Warren and Nightmarre fade from existence, unable to exist in the same timeline...

That's it.

G moves on with his life. Without any army to fight, and no guilt about creating the Edge of the World, he and Tom become teachers again at the Ogaji School for Future Heroes. The end of the chapter also implies that G and Tom are together.

All is well. The legend of Ogaji has been concluded.


Before redemption

When G was created, he was built to look like an average sized, average weight 17 year old boy. He had slim black eyebrows and long black hair, and a small notch below his left eye.

From his creation up to Chronicles of G, his favorite color was silver, and subsequently wore silver ninja attire. His hair was black and unkempt, and wore it down. After his transition to Team Phantom, he started wearing dark green, and wore silver headphones over his head, whether or not there was music playing.

After redemption

During Doomsday he stole Kaitlin's Golden Power, and became a full human. When he was redeemed, he no longer possessed his robot body, but still retained some of his key features. He was still slim and average, and looked like a 17 year old with long black hair. However, now his eyebrows were more bushy, which was more accurate to the average person, and he had lost the notch below his eye.

However, he now had a scar in the shape of an Ogajin "G" over his right eye, from when his powers became so great in his evil form that it burst through him.

35 years later

35 years after G quit being a Ninja, he began to grow out his moustache, and a goatee (even though he expressed as a teenager that he hated the way it looked on him.)

He cut his hair in a crew-cut, signifying he is no longer an immature boy, but a man.

Ogaji Origins

After returning from the Departed Realm, he returned to his 20 year old body after redemption.


G was created about immediately after the closing of the Extinction of the Elemental Masters, and was active from the beginning of Milo's Adventures to the end of Closing the Circles. Considering Milo's Adventures started 16 years after Zorcob Frost died, and the entirety of Milo's Adventures and Closing the Circles was about 39 years. So, G's biological age would be around 55 years old. However, he was born a nindroid, and was built to look around 17. When he was redeemed and turned human, his biological clock began to finally tick, and he now ages like a normal person, meaning he is around 19 at the end of Closing the Circles.

As of his death, he was 53 years old.

When his soul awakened 6,000 years in the future, his body returned to the state it was in before he retired from being a Ninja, biologically looking around 20 years old.


G is described by his friends as a headstrong and impatient powerhouse. He leaps into battle without thinking of the consequence, and uses his might over his mind. Due to his incredible ability, he is regarded as possibly the strongest Elemental Master. Because of this, he has a big head, and can be a little narcissistic at times. He is also a joker, when something bad is happening he usually laughs it off. When his friends are down, he tries to make them laugh until they feel better. G also gets depressed when things don't go his way, and tends to dwell on the past rather than living in the present.

He also has a very active imagination, he always thinks up new ideas for plans, vehicles, weapons, and armor. Because of this he is the one that designs most of his teammates suits.

G is additionally very determined, and when he has his mind set on something, he doesn't let it go. Because of this, he has an intense hate for the villains he fights, and doesn't let them go until he knows he's won. Part of this causes him to be stubborn at times, and can get quite sarcastic.

He has also been known to have an extreme temper. Usually when things don't go his way, he goes berserk. He does not know how exactly to deal with his emotions, and when dealing with loss, will isolate himself.


G made friends with basically everyone he met, as long as they're more or less friendly with him. Those who he sees as outsiders, or just might not like him, he doesn't tolerate well. Because of this he tends to take every friendship he has and magnify it like it's bigger than it is. This causes him to sometimes drive people away.

Other than that, he mostly has a brotherly relationship with some of the other Elemental Masters closer to his age. Since Rebirth, he has adapted a teacher/ father relationship with his students.

Love interests

G had rarely came across someone who he actually felt genuine love for. Due to living the majority of his life as an android, he never learnt love until he was older. During his retirement, he met a beautiful woman named Kathryn. They both shared similar interests, but G never had the courage to talk to her. He would regret that for a very long time...

The end of Sleeping Slaves implies that after a certain amount of time, G got together with Tom.

Weapons and Abilities


G possesses the Elemental Power of Creation, meaning that he has the ability to create any solid object at will from thin air. When G first unlocked his true potential, he was unable to create items of magical or elemental power, but since his turn to evil, and soon after redemption, G is able to create any item he wants from only thinking about it for a short time.

Dark Creation

In the flashback portion of Forbidden Quest, G got his hands on the Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu, which corrupted his powers, turning it into Dark Creation. The scroll made G feel like he reached his full potential without any training, which caused him to be split into Mal-G.

He has also gone on to possess several other Elements including Golden Power, Shadow, and Darkness during his time as the evil Genesis, and the power of Golden Light briefly in His Return.


Phantom G

G in his Phantom Armor

G's armor has varied over his years as a ninja. When he first joined Team Waters he wore standard silver ninja gi's and armor that matched that of the Ninja in Ninjago.

During Chronicles of G, he got hold of his special Phantom Armor which allowed him to transform between ghost and nindroid at will. He obtained it after stealing the ghost warrior's helmet and infusing it with his Deepstone gi, giving it a strange effect.

The suit was destroyed during Doomsday during his transition back to human. (This was slightly retconned in Forbidden Quest because of his use of a silver gi during the flashback portion that occurred during the time of Season 4.)


Cool Patrol and G

Cool Patrol

In an alternate reality, G has a Stand ability he calls Cool Patrol.

It may not be a looker, but its ability sends endorphins to the brains of whoever looks at him, essentially just giving the person a sense of euphoria whenever he's around. He can use this power to his advantage against enemies in order to make them too happy to fight, or so happy that they're easily manipulated.


G tends to primarily use weapons that he thinks up of off the top of his head. His most common is the green and silver katana, but he often chooses impractical options such as car batteries and computers to throw at enemies.

Other weapons he is most known for using include:

  • The Staff of Creation (his "Golden Weapon of Spinjitzu" weapon he made up himself)
  • The Elemental Blade of Creation (based on the Ninjago Elemental Blades)
  • Green and silver Techno Blade
  • Black and green Jade Blade
  • Silver and green Aeroblade
  • Staff of Creation Departed Blade (A blade he made based off of Yang's Departed Blades)
  • Gauntlet of Destruction (a weapon he created that harnessed the Elements of Destruction in order to destroy the Gauntlet of Creation)
  • The Phantom Mask (A mask G created, based off of the Oni Masks, that would turn him into a ghost while wearing it.)
  • Golden Armor (used in Of Rotten Heritage so that he would be able to harm the Half-Oni)
  • Scroll of Forbidden Spinjitzu (used in Forbidden Quest to combat Akira and the Mal-G)


  • G's favorite color is green, but he primarily uses silver ninja gi because he prefers to save green for special occasions.
    • This was retconned when it was confirmed that G only uses a green gi when it is affiliated with his Phantom Armor.
    • This was further retconned after he continues to wear green in conjunction with silver.
  • G was, at some point, the most powerful being in all of Ogaji, because not only did he possess the element of creation, but he also once held the powers of darkness, shadow, golden power, and golden light at one time.
    • Additionally, when he was in control of Dark Creation, he was not limited to what he could create, be it by size or elemental property, meaning he could create objects such as the Realm Crystal or the Time Temporal.
  • G's full name is 'Genesis', but he prefers to go by "G" because he thinks it just sounds cooler.
    • The real reason his name is G is because that's what User:G Frost-Ogaji has been going by on Instagram since 2013.
  • G comes from the realm of Ogaji, a parallel realm to Ninjago.
  • Even though he prepared the Ninja of Ninjago for Doomsday, they never took part in it directly.
    • A non-canon sequel to Battles of Doomsday featuring G during the events of Sons of Garmadon was released on January 12th 2019. To read it, click here
    • This series as a whole was eventually retconned and confirmed as non-canon in July 2019.
  • Even though G's first appearance was in the third season, he has appeared in the most episodes out of any other character. Tom has appeared second most, and Milo is the third.
    • G is also the main protagonist of Legends of Ogaji overall, even though he was only established as a major character in Season 4.
  • G has remarked that his favorite quest he's been on was defeating Mal-G with his original team which consisted of Tom, Llide, and Junior.
  • Although claiming in The Light Knight that he prefers to work alone, he has since only been shown facing off against evil with a team.
    • It could just be possible that he grew used to the company after his time on Team Waters.
  • G made his final debut as a main character in Into the Mult-G-Verse when he sacrificed himself to save Ogaji from his evil doppelgänger from Earth-6.
    • G made his official return in the second chapter of Ogaji Origins: Forbidden Quest
    • His real final appearance was in Ogaji Origins: Sleeping Slaves.
  • G has led four teams of Elemental Masters: Team Phantom, the Dragon Keepers, the New Ninja of Ogaji, and the Conscious-Men (co-lead with Milo and Hope.)
  • He has been noted to be the first Elemental Master of Ogaji to learn Airjitzu. He is responsible for teaching the others the martial art, meaning that the practice is mainly done by that of the Ninja, and it's uncommon to find a villain with that power.
    • He is also one of the first to have learned Forbidden Spinjitzu, however he swore that he would never teach anyone the martial art, even if his life depended on it.
  • Into the Mult-G-Verse has many incorrect/ unreliable information given about G and the Ogaji Multiverse.
    • For starters, after The Time Temporal was destroyed, every G brought back from across the Multiverse was sent home except Silver. The explanation for that was that Silver wasn't a version of G, however when G sacrificed himself to save Ogaji, this action apparently killed Silver and all the other G's in the Multiverse except for the one residing on Earth-1.
    • This also brings up the question as to whether Silver and the other Gs return to live after G is reborn in Origins.
    • These events will have to be retconned in future rewrites of those episodes.
  • G was built along with his siblings Zack and Lavender to be the ultimate fighting machines and final act of rebellion against Bamos. It is revealed in Sleeping Slaves that their true purpose was for the three of them to fuse together to become the Ultimate Elemental Master, Destiny.


Canon Ninja Suits

Other Suits

Alternate Universes

Civil War Timeline (Earth-30)

Other Alternate Universes (mostly fan designs)

Concept Artwork

Artwork/ Other

